Plein Temps Tout?

Roughly translates as 'full time everything!' Leading such a busy life, like so many of us. It's easy to fall into the trap of convenience over quality. But ready meals, sauces in jars and processed food always tasted a bit naff to me. Now cooking from scratch is a big part of my home life and I'm always out to convert people who think they can't, for a number of reasons. I'm always inspired to try new ideas and flavours, and when things work I'll put them on here, alongside some classics of course!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Cola boiled ham with a honey mustard glaze

Roast Ham Coca cola ham honey mustardThis is one of my favourite recipes I've inherited from my in-laws. A true northern classic that's really versatile. Great with egg and chips, new potatoes and minted pea puree, traditional veg and potatoes with parsley sauce, or chopped up in pasta, pies or egg fried rice! Also shredded on sandwiches with some cheese and chutney is lovely :
So, you will need:

1kg approx. smoked/ unsmoked ham joint - either's fine.
(small or bigger joint is fine but you'll need to adjust the cooking times/amount of glaze accordingly)
Boiling the Ham in ColaA 2ltr bottle of cheap full sugar coke(diet versions wont work as you need the sugar)

For the glaze:
2tsp English mustard
2tsp French (Dijon) mustard
1dspn Brown sugar (the darker the better as it adds a lovely treacly flavour without the faff)
1dspn Honey - the cheap squeezy kind is fine.

So, put your ham joint in a pan just a bit bigger than it and pour over the cola, it needs to just cover the joint. Bring to the boil and turn down to a simmer for 45 minutes. If like me
your pan is a bit small, just turn over the joint every 15 mins or so to make sure it cooks evenly.

Whilst the joint is simmering make up the glaze, simply mix together all the ingredients in a bowl. Taste a tiny bit and make sure the balance of heat to sweet is to your liking, add extra honey/mustard as required. Once that's done pre-heat your oven to 190C or 180C on a fan oven and then line a roasting tin with foil, (believe me you do not want to be scrubbing this off later!)

Once the ham has finished boiling put it onto a chopping board. You now need to take the rind off, using a nice sharp knife cut off the harder layer to expose the layer of fat underneath. Now cut shallowly through the fat diagonally to create diamond shapes.

Put the joint into the roasting tin. Ideally using a silicone brush, or by spooning over the glaze, cover the ham in the honey and mustard mixture.

Put in the oven for 20 minutes, or until the glaze has started to caramelize. Get it onto a chopping board and let it rest for at least 10 minutes before you start slicing. (I give in and start picking off the crispy bits almost immediately!)


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